Fern Ritchie, líder del equipo de Your IT Department

My name’s Fern Ritchie, and I come from an MSP called Your IT Department based in Nottingham.
I lead the security team there.
How did you come across Heimdal?
So we previously used Heimdal for patching, third party patching and updates, and then I believe we kind of expanded that to purchase some of the other Heimdal products based on new modules that came out.
What was your experience coming to Heimdal from other vendors?
Personally, my experience coming to Heimdal from other vendors has been quite refreshing.
We used to kind of chop up all the services that we provided so we’d get DNS filtering from some people, patch management from some people, AV from a different vendor.
My experience from these vendors is they are usually like, bought up by a massive company. The product gets worse, the support gets worse. You’re having to log into different portals
and things like that all the time.
Going to Heimdal, they’ve literally built from the ground up security specific products. They’ve built them. They’ve not bought them from somebody else and just messed them up. And if you ask them to do something or implement something or raise an issue with them, they’re all ears. So, it’s really refreshing.
What do you think about the Partner Advisory Board Day?
My first time. I should have come to the last one, actually, but I wasn’t very well. I thought it was brilliant. I think it could be longer. It could be extended to maybe like a full day because actually there’s such a little amount to cover in a morning. I also think it would be great to have expertise from the technical side and the sales and marketing side because you’ve got some technical people here, some sales and marketing people here.
It’d be great to kind of split that out and maybe have some group sessions on that kind of thing. But, yeah, I’ve had a really good time.