James Reed, Technical Director at iTeam Solutions
Heimdal came in through Brigantia, who are one of our trusted distributors. We were introduced, we were able to demo the product and take that approach, and it’s been an 18 month to two-year process for us to onboard with them.
At no point have Heimdal given us any chasing, ‘You must do this’. They’ve been supportive. They’ve supported us financially in coming over to the product. They’ve supported us, technically, resources in terms of marketing, sales, so, yeah.
How is your experience with Heimdal as a partner?
So Heimdal as a partner has been somebody that we adopted about two years ago. And the first thing I say is what an inclusive and engaging company they are to deal with. From Morten as now Chair, all the way down to the Customer Support Agents that we deal with from a technical support basis.
Everybody’s engaged, everybody’s talking to us, and it’s a great communication channel. So I think that gets overlooked when you’re talking about technical and cyber elements.
So that’s one of the things we love about it. The other thing is we get invited to events like this. Our opinions matter and they get fed back, and very, very quickly we see results.
Which of Heimdal’s solutions have been of most value to your clients?
Patch management. Patch management is absolutely the most important thing that we did with Heimdal straightaway. We decided that that was a tool that we would deploy immediately for all our clients across the board, Mac and Windows. And it standardized, it allowed us to maintain control of our agents, our endpoints, and most importantly, secure our clients.
How do you think our partnership helps grow your business in cybersecurity?
Providing us with marketing funds is how we see you helping us in that space that’s tongue in cheek, basically, just giving us the tools to allow us to deliver services to our clients. Supporting us with that, putting faces in front of our team so that they understand and correlate to the product.
Not just a faceless, massive organization, which has been the way that this space has worked before.
Sitting in a room with the likes of Cosmin and Morten, the leads of those sectors, and having them listen to you and getting our team speaking so our managers of product lines, etc, talking directly, it’s valuable.
What do you think about the Partner Advisory Board Day?
It’s really valuable. So far? What have I gained from the event, the roadmap, the insight into how Heimdal are thinking and will move forward. The attention to detail on things that we think are important is already showing. So that kind of reflection of feedback that we’ve already provided and that shines through in the discussions and the acknowledgments of pain points that we are experiencing and understanding how they’ll be fixed.